Friday, June 29, 2012

Rainforest Dreams: the Full Brew Goes to Ecuador

As of June 30th, the Full Brew will be in Ecuador for six weeks to study Spanish, travel and paint.
Venturing offline, with no knowledge of the internet landscape in the Andes and the Amazon,
will there be posts from the Equator? We shall see.
If not, blogging will resume in the Fall with new photos, stories and cups!!

Until then, the Full Brew wishes everyone a summer full of adventure and new experiences.

Cup of the Day #108
"Rain Forest Dream" by Gwyneth Leech
Colored India ink on used paper coffee cup

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  1. Have a wonderful trip. Can't wait to see how it influences your art!

  2. I LOVE Ecuador - I spent a month there. I'm sure you'll love it.

  3. So exciting! Have a fabulous trip!
