Cup of the Day #118
"Flying, Not Falling", by Gwyneth Leech
"Flying, Not Falling", by Gwyneth Leech
India ink on upcycled paper coffee cup
In the "better late than never" category, I would like to give a shout-out to Fran Beallor whose lovely exhibition, Accidental Encounters has its last day at the Hudson Guild Gallery this Saturday, February 24th. Join her that day for a closing party from 1 to 4 pm.
Fran Beallor
Fallen Angel, 24” x 18”
oil on board
oil on board
Fran Beallor
The Date, detail
48" x 30", oil on canvas
A series of talks accompanies each show and I was pleased to hear Fran speak about her work at one such event. Fran is a deft painter with a long history of exhibiting around the realist painting scene in New York City. She has rather hair raising stories to tell of how 57th Street art dealers treated young artists in the 1980s, as well as inspiring stories of learning to paint from her mother, also an artist, and in the studios of a variety of New York artists. The elderly audience was astute and appreciative of both the artist and the curator, who acted as interviewer.
Fran Beallor
Accidental Encounter
24” x 18”
oil on board
Familiar Reflections, detail
12” x 16”
oil on canvas
I was especially taken with Fran's falling figures and also with the reflected interiors seen in the shiny surfaces of vases and pots in some of her still lives. And I was delighted to discover an interior of my own lurking in the curved surface of our Brown Betty teapot when I got home!
The Hudson Guild Gallery is located at 119 9th Avenue (between 17th and 18th street) in NYC.
Visit their website here.
See more of Fran's artwork from March 8 - 10 when she exhibits with the Hullaballoo Collective at the Fountain Art Fair, at the 69th Regiment Armory on Lexington Ave & 25th St, NYC.
More information here.
Deft painter is spot on Gwyneth - I was able to make it to Fran's closing party and her work marching around the space was a feast for the eyes. Thanks for giving us the reminder. Better late IS better than never!